Our first factory sale in the company's history hit like a BOMB!
The first private customer came from the Netherlands to pick up his popular STENDKER discus fish from us in Warendorf!
Here you can go directly to the factory outlet, with all the important information:
At the beginning of the new year, a private person from the Netherlands was already at our door and wanted to pick up his pre-ordered STENDKER discus fish, from 15 cm - jumbo size. We then quickly found his order from under the stack of orders, packed the box, wrote an invoice and after about 15 minutes the little animals were ready, in our ORIGINAL STENDKER box, with heat pack, recommended use and flyer, for the safe Trip to the Netherlands prepared. There was also a discus keychain for free ?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose the fish from us, so Fabian A. bought "a pig in a poke" or "a fish in a box", so to speak.
Many thanks to Fabian A., from the Netherlands, who wrote to us:
"I understand that you are very busy and I don't expect an immediate answer, but I want to thank you for these beautiful fish! I didn't know what to expect as the box was already sealed but when I put them in with my other discus they looked like giants! My biggest discus is half their size (and I thought mine were quite big)
Until when do you still sell fish (while in stock of course), I would like to come back in a few months and buy a couple more.
My pool is 200*60*60 cm. I now have 4 jumbos 5 smaller ones. And some scalers. It should be fine to add a couple more discus? You are absolutely stunning!
Our general manager, Sebastian Stendker, who will continue our business after April 2023 with our popular, PROFI feed types, wrote to Fabian A.:
"Hello Fabian,
I am very pleased that you are satisfied. I can understand your initial skepticism, admittedly we never thought about our packaging ?
Sorry for the confusion but it was busy and you were indeed our first private customer so I'm so glad you were able to meet your expectations.
Of course you are welcome to come back and give more fish a new home.
You can easily accommodate up to 20 discus in your tank, depending on the planting.
If we receive a photo of your tank and you agree, we would be happy to publish a post about our first private customer on our social media channels.”
Fabian replied:
"20?! Wow! that is amazing!
I can't afford that many, but I will definitely be back! I'm trying to see if I can get more people excited about it so that I can take fish for them too. (share the gas money).”
We are very happy about your feedback and hope you continue to enjoy your STENDKER discus fish.
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